Health. Hustle. Heart.

Are you always on the go? Do you want big things for yourself and your family? Do you choose positivity even when it’s hard? Maybe this doesn’t sound like you but you want it to? You’re in the right place.

I’m Candice Clark Mullane, founder of Health Hustle Heart. I am so proud of the HHH community and the core values it embodies. Why did I start this community? Ok, it’s about to get personal…

I have always been a go-getter. I have always been told “Clark’s run faster and jump higher than everyone else.” This has always been ingrained in me. This was a great foundation for a life of organized sports, rigorous school schedules, and high standards for myself and those around me. However, when I graduated college- the real world set in, the organized sports schedule disappeared, and it was up to me to navigate corporate America in the sea of men that is Financial Services in New York City.

I realized there is a difference between living to pay bills and living for myself. Life is more than working hard and hoping someone notices or gives me an opportunity. I started to center my thoughts and goals around LIVING INTENTIONALLY.

Intentional living is the idea that we don’t just go through the motions but instead, we intentionally choose to live for joy and purposefully work towards our goals. I decided to start this community to inspire and bring people together to live in the spirit of Health, Hustle, and Heart.

So who made me like this? Who was the one who always told me to push my limits and that I’m a leader? And I’m tough and smart and never take sh*t from anyone?

My dad.

So I dedicate this effort and this community to my dad, Mike Clark, who lived every single moment of his life with gusto, passion, and love.

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